lobbying Comapny

Business Consulting Industry Is Booming, and It’s About to Be Disrupted

NewsOpinion Articles

Although it was way back in 1995 that Boston Consulting Group consultant Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation”, it is only in the last few years that the business consulting industry has started to experience the true meaning of the term. Much of the upheaval owes its rise to the arrival of new (and […]

What we did

Lobbying Africa, what we already did | Case Study

Africa Status QuoNewsOpportunities

Intermediation to an African Government for Financing through the Biggest Bank in the World Since its foundation, Lobbying Africa has carved a solid and sober path. Over the past few months, the team has made numerous efforts, working in particular on a tactical and strategic operation. Lobbying Africa, a pressure group, was chosen by an […]

Lobbying Consultant

Which Way Hiring a Lobbyist Can Affect Legislative Advocacy in Africa?

Africa Status QuoOpinion ArticlesOpportunities

With federal and local governments become more active in regulating all aspects of life, it has become indispensable for businesses who want to thrive to understand legislative advocacy. Legislative advocacy entails the efforts using which anyone can influence the introduction and enactment of legislation. While a common man can ignore it – since he has […]

Political Lobbying

Why Political Consulting or Lobbying Firms Are Needed – And How it Can Help Grow Your Business in Africa

NewsOpinion Articles

Has the growth of your business in Africa stunted? In that case, a political consulting or lobbying firm is just what you need. Political consulting firms or lobbyists are persuaders who can get the job done for your business in return for pay. Usually, they do it backstage by negotiating with significant political figures. Other […]

Public Affairs

How Political Communications Agency Can Enhance Your Business in Africa?

NewsOpinion ArticlesOpportunities

Work your socks off for decades to develop a positive brand image. Develop good relationships with key decision makers so that the policies they develop won’t hurt your business’s interests. Be on good terms with the local press to get positive media coverage. And the most important of all, make sure the public opinion is […]

Lobbying Employee

Why Lobbying Firms Is Legal and Important to Enhance Your Business in Africa?

NewsOpinion Articles

What’s the first thing every business should do to succeed? Make the potential customers aware of its presence. In addition to making sure of that, lobbying firms also inform business owners of public policies which might affect their operations and help them in influencing the governmental decision makers, thereby making sure that their business gets […]

African Lobbying

How Government Affairs Firms Can Help in the Betterment of Your Business in Africa?

NewsOpinion ArticlesOpportunities

According to a survey carried out by McKinsey, governments are second only to consumers in affecting the economic value of a company. Some senior executives who were interviewed for the survey went so far as to claim that it is their governments – and not their customers – which are more critical to the fortunes […]

Public contracts In Africa

What We Need to Know About Government Contracts Lobbying Firm in Africa?

Africa Status QuoNewsOpinion ArticlesOpportunities

Want your business to become a vendor of the government? Then you must know how governments award contracts in Africa. In contrast to what most businesses believe, governments in Africa don’t always choose suppliers whom they had previously worked with. Instead, governments prefer a business which could provide them with cost savings and a diminished […]

public affairs consultant africa

How Public Affairs Consultant Can Get Your Business Established in Africa

NewsOpinion Articles

Can’t get your business going in Africa? Then you might need the help of a public affairs consultant. Also known as lobbyists, public affairs consultants use various tools – i.e. digital outreach, media relations, coalition building – to build support for their client’s business objective, raise awareness about its products and build the credibility of […]

Lobbying Firm Africa

Lobbying Africa, Quo Vadis?


The World Economic Forum referred to Africa in 2018 as an area of greater interest among the region’s most sought after by entrepreneurs, investors, and companies. The reason for this categorization comes from the exponential population growth, the increase in the level of literacy among young people, and lastly, the increase in the willingness to […]